
Gynecomastia is a condition that occurs in men, but very few of the patients are aware they have it. Gynecomastia is not a structural condition and treatment is possible. It is a condition that occurs as a result of obesity, drugs and hormonal imbalances. It is frequently seen in men of older ages, especially during andropause periods. A decrease in the level of the male hormone also increases the risk of getting gynecomastia. It can affect men’s social life and can also cause problems in finding proper clothes.

Gynecomastia surgery is an aesthetic surgery that aims to remove any excess fat and breast tissue around the chest area. This is sometimes termed man boobs, which is caused by hormonal changes, excessive weight gain, or the side effects of certain medications.

Elixir Clinic in Istanbul provides world-class gynecomastia surgery in Turkey to get rid of any undesirable aesthetic.

Gynecomastia Surgery

Male breast reduction surgery in Turkey can give you that sculpted and tight chest back. Man boobs surgery typically involves a combination of aesthetic procedures such as liposuction, gland removal, and skin reduction. Such a comprehensive male breast reduction surgery in Turkey is designed to give a more masculine appearance to your chest area.

Does Gynecomastia operation effect the body structure of Men?

The general body structure does not deteriorate after the operation. It is a safe method, because the purpose of surgery is to get a properly proportional body. There wont be any traces left after the surgery is done. Surgeons should be supervised and operation should be performed by a surgeon who knows his job well. If too much tissue is taken, there may be some subduction in the breast.

  • How long does gynecomastia therapy last?

In situations such as obesity or overweight men,  gynecomastia is not always solved by dieting. In this case sags may also occur in the breast region. Psychological problems such as men’s self-esteem will also be effected, especially due to the sagging of the breast area. Surgery is not recommended for people consuming alcoholic beverages and using drugs. If you decide to go into surgery, you should make some changes in your life. When it is determined that this is the cause of the problem, the operation is more successful. Often, treatment requires surgical intervention. Gynecomastia is applied to healthy and emotionally prepared men of all ages. General anesthesia is performed on very large male breasts. In some cases, tranquillizers are given with local anesthesia. The duration of the operation varies between 1 to 3 hours.

Elixir Clinic

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