Eyelid lift surgery - upper and lower

Eyelid surgery is an eyelid lift procedure by removing excess muscle and tissue that causes sagging on the upper and lower eyelids. Sagging occurs due to age, sagging problems occur around the eyes. Sagging eyelid problems can only be removed through a surgical procedure. In eyelid aesthetics, the eyelids have been tightened. Eye tissue around the eyes due to excess fatty tissue and wrinkles around the eyes is corrected to provide a healthier, more dynamic and vibrant appearance. Sagging begins after the age of 30 years, and some cases begin after 40 years, and it differs from one person to another. The surgery has no risk at all. An eyelid operation can be performed in order to get rid of the bags formed under the eyes, and the eyes are often hereditary

What to do before eyelid surgery

One week before surgery, you should stop taking aspirin and blood thinners.
You should ease up on drinking green tea.
You should stop drinking alcohol and reduce smoking.
Hypertension, hypothyroidism eye, eye strain and. People with eye diseases should inform their doctor before the operation.å

What to do after eyelid surgery

Ice packs should be used to prevent swelling and bruising around the eyes as much as possible.You should sleep on a slightly raised pillow.
Contact lenses should not be used during the fifteen days following the operation.

Elixir Clinic

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