What are dental scales?

Dental veneers are among the most popular means of beautifying the front teeth in recent times, which contribute to solving many dental problems. They are made of different materials, some of which require the removal of part of the “Enamel” layer, while another type of them does not require tooth preparation at all.

Problems treated by dental veneers

There are many cosmetic dental problems that dental veneers can contribute to solving, and among these problems are the following:

Broken or worn front teeth
Teeth discoloration with the inability to restore their color through teeth whitening
The spaces between the teeth if the case does not want to install braces, or if the spaces are the only problem
If one or more teeth are small or inconsistent in their anatomical shape with the rest of the teeth in the same jaw.

Dental scales may remain for a long period of time in the patient’s mouth without being damaged or changed, but that depends on the material they are made of, as well as the patient’s habits and the quality of his care for them.

Types of dental veneers

The types of dental veneers differ according to the materials that contribute to their manufacture, as well as the way they are installed. We find that the types of dental veneers are as follows:

  1. Porcelain dental veneers
  2. Porcelain dental veneers are among the most commonly used types, but they still have disadvantages as well as advantages.
  3. Advantages of dental veneers made of porcelain
  4. Porcelain dental veneers have several advantages, including the following:

It has a high aesthetic degree
It is characterized by strength and durability
It lasts for many years in the patient’s mouth
It can hardly be distinguished from the natural tooth color
Its color is not affected by any kind of pigmentation
It is less likely to break if dropped
It interacts naturally with the tissue of the gums and mouth without inflammation of those tissues or the feeling that there is a foreign body
Lime does not accumulate easily, taking into account the maintenance of oral hygiene.

Elixir Clinic

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